In the microscopic world inside our cells, water takes on a distinctive role that goes beyond what we sip from our glasses. Organized with precision, it envelops molecules within the cell, creating an environment where hydrophilic surfaces transform the very nature of water. This specialized water, akin to ice in structure, possesses a crystalline arrangement, carrying a negative electrical charge. This unique charge enables it to bind and sequester harmful substances, safeguarding the cell from potential threats. Termed the “fourth state of water,” it plays a crucial role in establishing a cellular battery—a source of energy.

The genesis of this cellular energy lies in light absorption. Visible and invisible light, especially infrared light, act as the catalysts, shaping the fourth state of water and fueling the cellular battery. Herein lies a revelation: the water within your cells harbors potential energy, a resource continually harnessed and consumed by the body.

Water emerges as the primary generator and medium of energy within the body, with its molecular structure dynamically adapting to spatial, temporal, and situational conditions. This adaptability brings forth new functionalities, showcasing the intelligence woven into water’s very essence.

As we venture beyond the traditional states of water—solid, liquid, and gas—a panorama of awe unfolds. While most are acquainted with these three states, delving into the lesser-known fourth state reveals a complex tapestry of 21 distinct conditions. This exploration isn’t a limitation but an acknowledgment of our recognition amidst countless potential states yet to be unveiled.

In the scientific quest for extraterrestrial life, the spotlight has shifted from distant planets to the universal elixir: water. Where water flows, the potential for life springs forth. From single-celled organisms to the intricate tapestry of Earth’s biodiversity, water has been the silent architect of life.

What we perceive as a familiar substance harbors unknown facets, orchestrating a symphony of life more magnificent than our imaginations can fathom. The dance of water’s 21 states beckons us to reevaluate our comprehension of this fundamental and mystical element.

However, this does not mean that water has only 21 states. Rather, amidst countless potential unknown states, we have identified only 21 distinct conditions.

However, this does not mean that water has only 21 states. Rather, amidst countless potential unknown states, we have identified only 21 distinct conditions.

Reference: the-fourth-phase-of-water.
( Dr.GERALD.H.Pollak).


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